Inclosure 1799
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The Cambridge Chronicle and Journal, 10 Aug 1799 (p2)


In the county of Cambridge

We, whole names are hereunder written, being commiffioners appointed for the faid Inclosure, do hereby give notice, that we have set out the feveral under-mentioned Highways, Carriage Roads, and Drift Ways through the faid parifh, forty feet wide (except where the fame paffet between old inclofures) being all the public Highways, Carriage Roads, and Drift Ways which are meant to be continued in the parifh of Carlton cum Willingham; and all perfons having objections to make thereto, or to the ftopping up of difcontinuance of any other public Highways, Carriage Roads, and Drift Ways, are requefted to deliver fuch objections to us, in writing, at our next meeting, which will be held at the Red Lion, at Brinkley, in the faid county, on Monday the 26th day of this inflant Auguft, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon. Given under our hands this 3d day of Auguft, 1799.


W. and W.W. Nash Solicitors.

No.1. Beginning at of near Carlton Church, and leading in its ancient courfe, and nearly in a fouth-wardly direction, along Church Green into Lopham's Hall Lande, and from thence into Carlton Green, and along the north side thereof into the parish of Wefton Colville, which it enters at a gate called Wefton Gate.

No.2. Beginning at the faid gate called Wefton Gate, and leading along the weft fide of Carlton Green, nearly in the ancient courfe of the public road from Wefton Colville to Thurlow in the county of Suffolk.

No.3. Beginning at or near Carlton Church, and leading in its ancient courfe along Church Lane into Hammond's Lane, and along the fame into a lane called Bradley Lane, being the public road from Carlton to Bradley in the faid county of Suffolk.

No.4. Branching out of the laft-described road at the weft end of the faid green called Hammond's Green, and leading in its ancient courfe into Little Low Field in Carlton, and through the fame into the parifh of Brinkley, which it enters at a part dividing the now-defcribing road between the parifhes of Carlton cum Willingham and Brinkley.

No.5. Beginning at Rent Green, and leading from thence in its ancient courfe into Willingham Green, and acrofs the weft or north-weft end thereof into and ancient lane in Carlton, and from thence into the parifh of Brinkley, which it enters at a certain place called Terrell's spring.

No.6. Branching out of the laft described road, and leading over Willingham Green into Little Low Fieldm and along the north boundary thereof into that part of No.4. which lies in the parifh of Brinkley.

No.7. Leading by the fide of a small part of Wefton Colville Parifh, and from thence acrofs a furlong in Carlton called Newmarket Way Furlong, the fame being fet out nearly in the centre of two ancient roads leading from Wefton acrofs the faid parifh of Carlton cum Willingham towards Newmarket, in the faid county of Cambridge, and intended as a funftiution for the faid to ancient roads.